Regions of Interest
ROI is a class representing regions of interest within an OsiriX 2D display window. It provides control of the vertices/mask, color, and thickness of the object.
All types only contain a single parameter, the UUID of the underlying OsiriX object.
By convention, any method defined with syntax
is called in Python (for example) using syntaxresponse
is aROIXyzResponse
class, andrequest
osirix.proto (lines 32-50)
rpc ROIDelete (ROI) returns (Response) {}
rpc ROIFlipHorizontally (ROI) returns (Response) {}
rpc ROIFlipVertically (ROI) returns (Response) {}
rpc ROIArea (ROI) returns (ROIAreaResponse) {}
rpc ROICentroid (ROI) returns (ROICentroidResponse) {}
rpc ROIRotate (ROIRotateRequest) returns (Response) {}
rpc ROIMove (ROIMoveRequest) returns (Response) {}
rpc ROIPix (ROI) returns (ROIPixResponse) {}
rpc ROIName (ROI) returns (ROINameResponse) {}
rpc ROIIType (ROI) returns (ROIITypeResponse) {}
rpc ROISetName (ROISetNameRequest) returns (Response) {}
rpc ROIColor (ROI) returns (ROIColorResponse) {}
rpc ROISetColor (ROISetColorRequest) returns (Response) {}
rpc ROIOpacity (ROI) returns (ROIOpacityResponse) {}
rpc ROISetOpacity (ROISetOpacityRequest) returns (Response) {}
rpc ROIThickness (ROI) returns (ROIThicknessResponse) {}
rpc ROISetThickness (ROISetThicknessRequest) returns (Response) {}
rpc ROIPoints (ROI) returns (ROIPointsResponse) {}
rpc ROISetPoints (ROISetPointsRequest) returns (Response) {}
By convention, any response defined with syntax
- The numbers on the RHS should be ignored. They are necessary only for protobuf file definitions.
has attributes accessed in Python (for example) using syntax
roi.proto (lines 9-59)
message ROIAreaResponse{
Status status = 1;
float area = 2;
message ROICentroidResponse{
Status status = 1;
float x = 2;
float y = 3;
message ROIPixResponse{
Status status = 1;
DCMPix pix = 2;
message ROINameResponse{
Status status = 1;
string name = 2;
message ROIColorResponse{
Status status = 1;
int32 r = 2;
int32 g = 3;
int32 b = 4;
message ROIOpacityResponse{
Status status = 1;
float opacity = 2;
message ROIThicknessResponse{
Status status = 1;
float thickness = 2;
message ROIPointsResponse{
message Point2D{
float x = 1;
float y = 2;
Status status = 1;
repeated Point2D points = 2;
message ROIITypeResponse{
Status status = 1;
int32 itype = 2;
By convention, any request defined with syntax
- The numbers on the RHS should be ignored. They are necessary only for protobuf file definitions.
is created in Python (for example) using syntax
roi.proto (lines 62-)
message ROIRotateRequest{
ROI roi = 1;
float degrees = 2;
float x = 3;
float y = 4;
message ROIMoveRequest{
ROI roi = 1;
float columns = 2;
float rows = 3;
message ROISetNameRequest{
ROI roi = 1;
string name = 2;
message ROISetColorRequest{
ROI roi = 1;
int32 r = 2;
int32 g = 3;
int32 b = 4;
message ROISetOpacityRequest{
ROI roi = 1;
float opacity = 2;
message ROISetThicknessRequest{
ROI roi = 1;
float thickness = 2;
message ROISetPointsRequest{
message Point2D{
float x = 1;
float y = 2;
ROI roi = 1;
repeated Point2D points = 2;